Call to take up arms has no place in our democracy

Save Our Berea say a peaceful event was marred by a call from ANCYL leader Collin Maine for people to take up arms in defense of President Zuma.

EDITOR – It is a sad reflection on our Mayor, Cllr Gumede, who is also the chairperson of the eThekwini region of the ANC, to be involved with an event which was held in Durban on Saturday, supporting President Zuma.

We say this, not because of her personal support, or the fact that 4 000 people turned out to support President Zuma, after all that is their democratic right. We might very well have been tempted to use Matthew Henry’s quote, “None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see,” but in a constitutional democracy, we defend everybody’s right to choose who they wish to support. Our objection therefore is rather what was reported as a peaceful event was marred by a call from ANCYL leader Collin Maine, for people to take up arms in defense of President Zuma. That sort of call has no place in our, or any democracy.

At a time when police and students are engaged in a low profile war, as our universities burn, it is surely the height of irresponsibility to be making such a call.

The leaders of our city have stood by silently allowing this to happen. As we understand it, two charges have already been laid against Collin Maine for inciting violence.

This is a province that lost thousands of people in a civil war not that long ago. In fairness it must be stated that Jacob Zuma played a positive role in ending that violence but not before many died, all victims of factional violence.

More recently we have seen more factional division within the ANC itself. Neither one faction nor the other has a meaningful majority, which was underscored by the on-off elections within the region. Yet, here again we have seen people dying including nominated candidates of the ANC allegedly killed by other party members.

This is a city that has seen two senior ANC councillors gaoled for the murder of an activist. Yet our leaders stand by and watch a so-called youth leader incite violence at a public event.

We call on the mayor, Cllr Gumede and her deputy, Cllr Peer, to publicly disassociate themselves from these inflammatory comments.

Kevin Dunkley

Cheryl Johnson

Save our Berea

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