Is Telkom in crisis?

A reader is concerned about the state of Telkom.

EDITOR – There is a serious problem with Telkom. I have reported the matter so many times and all I get from the call centre staff is that it is being attended to or they will sent an email to the person in charge.

The problem I was told is that there is a problem with the lines. I have not had any email access for approximately three weeks and now my telephone has also been dead for the past week. After making a big noise on a specific day before my phone finally stopped working, I was told the technician that was allocated to the fault had gone home at 3.30pm that day.

Telkom has had no communication with me as I thought it would be done out of decency.

I had actually determined that the Vodacom shop in our mall has also been without service from Telkom for weeks.

Telkom has since issued me with an account that they expect me to pay. How can I pay for something that I do not have? That is so dishonest. I cannot phone them to ask about the account as my phone is also not working.

Where does that leave me as I am a pensioner that depends on the internet and my phone for various matters and definitely cannot pay for something I did and still do not have. Is there anyone out there that can tell me what is going on with Telkom? Are they in crisis? They certainly are not doing anything about the lines that are dead for if they did it would be up and running by now. Has Telkom become an embarrassment to the nation?

Maria DuPlessis


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