City’s response was a fine spin

A North Beach resident feels the response by the City on the issue of problem buildings is amusing.

EDITOR – I must admit, the responses by the City Spokesperson, on what the bylaws say about problem buildings, and every other query, are amusing, entertaining, revealing and indictments – all at the same time.

Knowledgeable as she is on the numerous bylaws, I’m sure many readers read through her spin and wonder if she also sees the irony of her comments.

Would she be so kind as to tell us what progress has been made on the 120-ish problem buildings dotted around the City?

Would she be so kind as to tell us whether City-owned problem buildings are also under investigation in terms of the same bylaw?

I’m sure her report would serve as light relief for a couple of days.

Safer Cities and iTrump, indeed! Why do these even exist? Oh, to take the heat off basic structures.


North beach

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