Come on SAPS, Metro, where is enforcement in CBD?

A resident living in the CBD said police need to do more to stop the noise near St Andrew's Street.

EDITOR – Drinking, screaming, dancing and loud deafening, unbearable noise/sound meant to be ‘music’ is heard in St Andrew’s Street, Durban, specifically between Broad and Russell Streets.

For what reason exactly are bylaws not being enforced in the subject area? SAPS Broad Street is situated just before the turn into the area applicable (St Andrew’s Street) and Metro Police is situated directly on the other side of the problem area i.e. at the old Albert Park Bowling Club next to Albert Park.

Vehicles park off at the Durban School of Music, the Diakonia Conference Centre, the parking created in the middle of the road and on the pavement in front of the Old House Museum, at any time at night (at times, even during the day time, especially over weekends) until all hours of the night and morning. Sleep is simply not an option!

Where exactly is law enforcement? Both SAPS and Metro are not just within hearing distance, but also, within walking distance of the unruly and drunk hooligans.

Instead of doing something regarding the more regular than not occurrence, residents are required to spend endless time and money phoning SAPS and Metro only to be exposed to incompetence of whoever answered the phone and then wait forever for actual attendance to the subject matter, if attended to!

First and standard response at all times: ‘no vehicles … call 10111’ – 50 metres (SAPS) and 100 metres (Metro) maximum from the problem area. They should just walk across the road! Excuse then: ‘no one to man the station’. They need to get in touch with the vehicles on the other two corners of the four roads (Broad and Smith and St Andrew’s and Russell), at KFC, St Andrew’s and Russell and Steers, Broad and Smith!

EE Grobler


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