A petition won’t help

A reader feels a petition to the municipality to stop noisy events in Durban won't make any difference.

EDITOR – I refer to ward 27 councillor Martin Meyer’s online petition calling for an end to noisy events and for something to be done to address the noise pollution in Morningside.

I doubt very much whether a petition will help. The ANC council has shown, with contempt, what it thinks of our DA councillors and, by extension, we the ratepayers who pay enormous rates and service charges for very little.

The fact of the matter is that the Council simply ignores the opposition and nothing is ever done. The Metro police too are complicit in turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the problem.

This past weekend’s noise and the attacks by a mob on an innocent driver is merely another case in point.

The City officials merely show the finger to the opposition councillors – and by extension to all of us. Until that problem is addressed, nothing will change and no amount of signatures on a petition will change anything.

I wish councillor Meyer well but he is on a hiding to nothing. He and his colleagues need to step up their efforts and stop allowing themselves to be bullied and insulted and ignored by the city.

Mark Lowe


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