Use your vote wisely

A reader says the community will be responsible for who gets council seats following this year's election.

EDITOR – I think readers should know that the City is leaderless at the moment.

Council, for some strange reason, has gone into recess. No – it was not in recess these past five years, or 22. Officially, that is.

With so much at stake, like their very own comfy seats, there is a whole lot of politicking to do.

At the end of the day (3 August) it is the voters who will decide who takes those seats. Considering the issues published in these pages, they should vote so the issues do not recur. They should vote so the City structures are open for business at most times. And effective at that.

They should vote so that they get excellent value for the over R43k per month salary each councillor gets.


North Beach

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