DA asks for transparency

The DA asks for transparency on the agreement between EThekwini and Durban Transport operator, Tansnat.

EDITOR – Today, 9 February, I delivered a letter to the City Manager, Mr Sbu Sithole, requesting a copy of the agreement which the Municipality entered into with Tansnat Natal CC on 29 January 2016. This document details the interim operation of the Durban Transport bus service, Tasnat, until the Municipality formally takes over the service in July 2016.The DA is concerned about the relationship between the Municipality and Tansnat, and the possible growing influence of Tasnat over deals which are not in the best interests of the Municipality, nor its residents.

Over the last few months, bus drivers have blockaded roads, in and around Durban because their December salaries and bonuses had not been paid. This is at the expense of the residents and commuters trying to keep their own salaries by getting to work. The Municipality intervened and paid the outstanding money owed, including the pension contributions owed by Tansnat. This was not the responsibility of the Municipality and this money the Municipality paid out could have been better spent.

Then again, on 1 February, the drivers blocked the roads because their January salaries had not been paid.

The DA representatives on the Municipality’s Exco, Zwakele Mncwango and Heinz de Boer requested Exco to allow representatives of Tansnat to explain to them why the outstanding money had not been paid. But, the ANC majority on Exco refused that request. There is no transparency, nor accountability from Tasnat and when called upon to explain, the company was protected from the inquiry.

I have asked the City Manager to provide the copy of the non-confidential parts of the agreement for further scrutiny.

The operation of the Durban Transport bus service is another example of the governing party failing to deliver to the interests of the community. It fails to ensure that services are delivered by competent service providers. It fails to devise an effective service where people are not forced to stand in long queues waiting for buses. It fails to allow people to get to work on time, and with interruptions, at all. It fails to contribute to the troubled economy of South Africa as it deprives people of Durban of the opportunity to work.

Cllr Warren Burne

DA eThekwini Metro Councillor

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