Primary schools must comply

A retired teacher feels all primary school families should receive a Grade R to Grade 7 education at their primary school of acceptance.

EDITOR – With regards to the recent article entitled 'Full to capacity schools turn away learners', I wish to highlight the following.

Firstly 99.9 per cent of all primary schools incorporate Grade R up to Grade 7. The Education Minister has confirmed this model yet each year primary schools in the Glenwood, Umbilo and Manor Gardens suburbs come under unnecessary pressure from schools who do not comply with this model. Two such schools come immediately to mind with pupils having to exit at Grade 3, resulting in debacles such as that experienced by the mom and child mentioned in the article. The criticism of the department officials and other schools who comply with the model is grossly unfair!

All primary school families should receive a Grade R to Grade 7 education at their primary school of acceptance. Fix this problem and the blatant discrimination of pupils, and this annual problem will simply dissipate.

It needs someone with common sense to champion this cause!

Retired teacher


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