More police were needed

The Florida Road UIP precinct manager says more police presence was necessary over the July weekend.

EDITOR – Regarding the article on Florida Road last Saturday night.

The UIP welcomes the increase in visitors to our precinct however we feel the city was under resourced from a policing aspect. Due to the huge number of visitors, we feel an increased visible policing presence would have had a positive impact on crime, bylaw offences and general safety. Going forward, we will also be considering an increase in our own security personal and cleaning staff.

The UIP wishes to play its part in ensuring Florida Road is Durban’s number one entertainment destination which is safe and a pleasure to visit. Big events are very important to the success of the road, but they must be managed in a way which adds long-term value and does not undermine the future of the road.

Jarrod Evans

Florida Road UIP precinct manager

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