Help wanted to locate stolen ring

A woman is appealing to the public to help provide any information on her stolen engagement ring.

EDITOR – On Monday 15 June my fiance and I had just picked up my engagement ring from a jeweller near Glenwood school who had made minor adjustments to a white gold diamond ring from about the 1940s which was my fiance's grandmother's wedding ring.

We went to Umdloti beach for an hour on the way back to Ballito and realised when we got back to Ballito that the ring and my handbag as well as his belongings had been stolen out of our locked car.

This ring is not worth much but to us it has very special value and cannot be replaced. Please, I ask if anyone can give us any information about where the ring was sold or found, to email me or call me where your call cannot be traced, we would be so grateful.

Our drivers licences and keys were found in Currie Road. We have forgiven those involved we just want the ring back.


032 946 0799 or 032 525 5477 or

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