
Excellent service after pothole reported

A Morningside resident is impressed by the speedy response from the municipality about a pot hole in Venice Road.

EDITOR – In April my Venice Neighbourhood Watch newsletter arrived and one of the articles was addressed to Ratepayers and gave us an email address to use to sort out 'Problems' in our area.

When a large pot hole developed in Venice Road, I decided to use the email address and was very pleasantly surprised at the excellent service I received.

I wrote to eservices@durban.gov.za on 26 April informing them of this pot hole and I had an immediate email in response from a woman named Bongi with a reference number to follow progress. Just a few days later the hole was filled in with sand and today, 4 May, the hole has been tarred over.

I am so impressed! Please note that any problems with our residential services may be addressed to eservices@durban.gov.za (send a picture of the problem and the address) and the response is really fantastic! Include your ward ie. ward27@ethekweni.org for even better service.

Now to see if they come and remove the huge pile of tree debris left at the bottom of St James Road as speedily.

Nicky Walton


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