
Racecourse noise has increased

A Greyville resident says the noise levels at the racecourse have increased.

EDITOR – I hereby wish to express my disgust at the total disrespect by the Greyville Racecourse managers for people living in the vicinity of the racecourse.

With the closing of the Clairwood racecourse the Greyville Racecourse has been upgraded to have more racing. However, couldn't some money have been spent to ensure that we who live near there do not have to put up with the ridiculous noise produced?

This week we had evening racing on Friday night till quite late and a very raucous party on Saturday night which went on till 1am on Sunday.

I have lived here for almost 25 years and never ever has it been this bad. I hope someone in control will read this and do something about it.

Very disgruntled flat dweller


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