
Trucks cause near accident

A woman is traumatised after she nearly crashed into another car in Hillier Road as her view was blocked by trucks parked in the road.

EDITOR – On Sunday 16 November my daughter was driving her car and was trying to cross over Hillier Road from Teignmouth Road. With this huge truck parked in Hillier Road her vision was blocked, she then edged forward to cross over and within seconds a car came flying up Hillier Road and they both nearly had an accident.

The other car stopped and my daughter stopped. The driver of the other car got out and came towards her. She said to the driver “I am so sorry I didn’t see you are you ok?” With that he swore at her, put his hand through her window and yanked her by her hair still swearing at her.

This would not have happened if these huge trucks were not parked on the corner. Also, the other driver should not have assaulted my daughter. There is going to be a big accident one day and someone will get killed.

Something drastically needs to be done to stop these trucks from parking there.

My daughter is very traumatized by this whole incident.

Marlene Stander


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