We don’t need iTrump

A North Beach resident has no faith in the effectiveness of iTrump.

EDITOR – I totally support Janet Morgan's concerns of the degradation of Durban – D'urban Decay, to wit.

The basic structure of the city, with its seven clusters (or eight or nine, depending which site page you are on) neither warrants nor justifies the creation of initiatives such as iTrump. Simply, we do not want iT, do not need iT.

iT is a blatant waste of money. Even if iT had a full complement. iT allows other long-established enforcement structures to shirk their duties.

iTrash has a history of finger wagging but has yet to make permanently marking bites. iT occasionally makes its presence felt by talking about issues concerned citizens talk about ad nauseum. Unlike the citizens (customers, as the city calls us), iT does have the clout to stem the decay engulfing us, but clearly lacks the will to do so.

The last time iTrash stood up for recognition, iT was about the proliferation of illegal abortion services. And the illegal advertising that goes with that.

Ya well, both have grown by leaps and bounds.

Funnily, both iT and Signage lie that it is difficult to reach those offering the illegal services. Hello!, so what is the purpose of advertising. I will wager my wealth every ad has a phone number.

But, on the issue of signage, I last spoke to Signage in June, when it used “partial control” to justify illegal Top Gear signage. Maybe it would now somehow justify signage seen so often on traffic poles.

Have I resorted to calling iTrump, iTrash? Picky over ump(h) and a(i)sh, yeah?

In our context, the names are correctly interchangeable.

I trump iTrash – I trash iTrump – see?


North Beach

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