How will Metro educate truckers?

A resident feels Metro Police will not be able to educate truck drivers to not park on residential roads.

EDITOR – Thank you for the article on “Metro plans to educate truck drivers”.

I wish to respond to some of the comments. Truck drivers should be made aware of the general road safety rules before they are granted a license/permit to engage in the driving of trucks. Where are Metro going to find the time and resources to launch a joint programme to educate truck drivers? Can Metro Police elaborate more on their strategy plan to divert these trucks , currently I do not see any strategy plan in place.

There are no consistent patrols in the area. Year to date, only on one occasion have I observed Metro Police taking action against the offenders.

Three ward councillors prior to Nicole Graham’s appointment were unsuccessful in dealing with this issue, so I doubt if she is going to make any difference.

What concerns me is Metro’s lack of priority, as recent as last week Saturday a Metro Officer was on foot patrol, ticketing motor vehicles around Davenport Centre, surely his services should have been directed to the trucks in Teignmouth and Hillier Roads. My only observation is that Metro are afraid to communicate with the truck drivers.

Bobby Lamont


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