Park is a mess

Something needs to be done about the state of Meyrick Bennet Park.

EDITOR – This letter relates to your article of 18 April, page 2. On Easter Monday I saw a well meaning Metro policeman carrying full black bags out of the park and placing them on the pavement not far from the entrance, not a clever idea.

Well if I was wondering what was in the bags I did not have to long to find out as the bags were opened, clothes etc removed and left open for the many other homeless people to search through just adding to the disgusting mess in the gutters and park. The contents were obviously the bedding and stuff belonging to the vagrants who on their return will just have to retrieve the bags so we will be back to square one!

I have lived in this area for sometime and have never seen the park in such appalling condition, litter all over, papers, plastic bags, polystyrene containers, plastic bottles.

Would somebody consider putting up “Keep our city clean” posters on the lamp posts?



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