
Problem dogs

A pack of dogs running wild near Stellawood Cemetery are cause for concern for nearby neighbours.

EDITOR – For the last four years, residents near the Carrington Primary School in Umbilo (near the entrance to Stellawood Cemetary) have been attacked or chased by dogs that belong to the caretaker at the school. I was in the cemetery walking my dogs recently when all three attacked by small male dog, resulting in numerous lacerations, nearly 40 stitches, a vets bill and a traumatised dog.

During a discussion thereafter with the school principal, she indicated that she absolves herself of any responsibilty regarding the dogs. As the caretaker will not allow the SPCA to remove them, despite repeated reporting of problems by residents, the situation remains a problem.

Anyone who has had problems with the dogs and would like to assist in getting them removed can address correspondence to the following:

gerard.jansen@durban.gov.za (SAPS), mandla.gwala@kzndoe.gov.za (DoE legal department) and muzi.mahlambi@kzndoe.gov.za (DoE MEC spokesperson).

I find it hard to believe that an aggressive pack of dogs, have been allowed to live on a school premises and wander around the neighbourhood with impunity for so long.

Carrin Martin


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