5 things you didn’t know you could do on Google

Google hosts an endless amount of information, but there is also a ton of fun to be had with some of its special features and games, especially when you are bored.

WE all use Google on a daily basis; in fact, you could say it has become like second nature to internet users.

Whether it’s on a quest for a specific recipe or for lyrics to a random song we’ve overheard but can’t quite figure out the name of – yes, yes there is a specific app called Shazam! that works just as well.

However, did you know that there are secret features and tricks that you can use on Google, including playing games or finding out random bits of trivia?

We’ve compiled a list of five things you may not know you could do on Google.

1. Play a game of Pac-Man

This is great when you want a break from the daily slog that is life. Did you know that by typing Pac-Man into your Google search bar, you can play a single game of the classic arcade game, Pac-Man, with its iconic music to boot?

It may only be one round, but the game offers a nice escape from work.

2. Do the Cha Cha Slide

Everybody knows the DJ Capser song, Cha Cha Slide. It’s a great party song, but did you know you can get ‘funky’ using Google search? If you type the words, ‘Cha Cha Slide’, into the Google search bar, you can instantly play the chorus of the song by simply pressing on the icons at the top of the page.

3. I’m Feeling Curious 

Want to know a random fact or a little bit of trivia you may not have known? Type out ‘I’m Feeling Curious’ into your Google search bar, and you’ll learn something new. It is random, but it’s a pretty cool hack.

4. Play the endless Dinosaur game

The simplest games are often the most addictive, and in this case, you cannot go wrong. The game can be played when you have lost internet connectivity and allows you, as a T-rex, to run and jump with the goal of avoiding as many cacti and pterodactyls as possible. The game was conceived to be akin to living in a prehistoric time when there was no internet. You can also play the game online via this website: offline-dino-game.firebaseapp.com/

In the game, you play as T-Rex, dodging several obstacles in your path.

5. Animal sounds

Ever curious what sound a certain animal makes? Well, Google also provides the answer. By simply typing in the name of the animal in your Google search bar, the search engine shows a speaker emoji next to the species of animal. Simply clicking on the emoji plays a few-seconds clip of the sound the animal makes.



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