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Umbilo Sports Club under siege

The Umbilo/Congella Sports Club has become a shadow of its former glory. Following its abandonment, homeless people have gradually moved in, and the club is now occupied by more than 50 homeless people on a permanent basis. Residents decry over this 'take-over', citing criminal activities and vandalism.

A LOCAL animal caregiver got the shock of her life when she went to rescue dogs at Umbilo Sports Club. A sight of horror greeted her when she discovered that a community of homeless people had made the sports club building their haven. She was threatened and sworn at by the ‘residents’, resulting in her running for her life before she could rescue the pets.

The Umbilo Sports Club has become rundown and a haven for homeless people and criminals.

Jackie De Gaye said, “I had left dog food by the entrance of the club. Two days later, I went there again with SPCA members to rescue a mother dog, male dog and five puppies. I discovered that at least 50 whoonga homeless people are occupying the building. We had to leave swiftly because the homeless people were violently screaming at me, calling me names and chasing me away.”

Also readUmbilo Sports Club earmarked for housing development

Before the ‘take-over’, Umbilo Sports Club was renowned for its splendour and hosted sports matches, picnics and wedding receptions.

When Berea Mail visited the club, two pregnant women were spotted, and one of them admitted that she had been a resident for several years. Expensive gym equipment, which was reported stolen, was also recovered, hidden in one of the many shacks built inside the club.

Captain Singh at Umbilo SAPS concurs that the Umbilo Sports Club is a challenging spot. He said that SAPS members have cleared and conducted operations at the club several times, however, the homeless people resurface every time.

“We have been there before because we had discovered that the sports club houses countless criminals. It has become a hideout where stolen items are kept. We have had a joint operation with Durban Central SAPS to clear the place out, only to realise that the occupants return later. Such operations are ongoing,” he said. He added that more abandoned buildings have been occupied by [homeless people] who wreak havoc on the surrounding neighbourhood.

Also readReport Glenwood and Umbilo’s problem buildings

The sports club is under the ownership of the eThekwini Municipality. Back in 2014, the municipality aimed to build more than 600 blocks of housing units on the site. At the time, the City acknowledged a proposal and commented that the proposal was under review and they would table a report for submission to the Executive Committee. Ten years later, the proposed redevelopment has not seen the light of day.

When the municipality launched what is dubbed the ‘Problem Building Unit’ in 2019, it committed to working with the private sector in eradicating bad buildings for purposes such as commercial, residential apartments, student accommodation and social housing required to address social ills.

The City has not responded to Berea Mail’s inquiry regarding an update on the proposed redevelopment.

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