Stolen fridges recovered in Stamford Hill

A suspect was arrested in Stamford Hill after he was apprehended by a Swift Private Security officer after being caught in the act, stealing multiple fridges from a local logistics company.

VIGILANCE and stealth from a private security officer led to the recovery of multiple fridges and the arrest of the suspect involved. The fridges were confirmed to have been stolen from a local logistics company.

According to Swift Private Security spokesperson Sanveer Sooklall, at 07:30 on Monday, July 8, a Swift Private Security officer was on Umgeni Road in Stamford Hill when he noticed four individuals suspiciously loading fridges into a bakkie from a truck before driving away rapidly.

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“Our officer followed the bakkie from Umgeni Road, and with the backup from additional Swift officers and Metro Police, the bakkie was brought to a stop on Mansel Road, Stamford Hill. Upon further investigation, it was confirmed that the suspects had stolen fridges from the truck, which were subsequently recovered by our Swift Private Security team and Metro Police. One suspect was apprehended,” said Sooklall.

According to Sooklall, the logistics company involved has been informed and will be registering a case of theft. “We commend our Swift officer for the vigilance and dedication to preventing crime,” said Sooklall.

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