Expect winter crime spike

Berea SAPS Captain Poobalan Naidoo offers some safety tips to protect your property from criminals this winter, explaining that criminals often take advantage of the early nights in winter.

CAPTAIN Poobalan Naidoo from Berea SAPS says that property invasion and property theft is at an all-time high. “People tend to keep themselves warm during this winter period, and when you are comfortable, it is easy to fall asleep without locking up properly. This could create an opportunity for criminals to operate. In the evenings when it is getting dark, make sure everything is locked up properly before going to sleep. Criminals know the behaviour patterns of their victims during this period.”

Naidoo offered some safety tips to protect your home.

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“A high fence around the house with lockable gates is much safer than a high wall due to the advantage of the improved visibility it provides. The primary aim of the fence is to make access/intrusion difficult and to allow dogs to move freely around the house. Ensure that your gates are always locked and that the keys cannot be reached easily and are not lying around uncontrolled. Security gates with sturdy locks in front of each outer door, as well as burglar-proofing covering all windows, are recommended,” said Naidoo.

Naidoo explained that the following devices prevent easy access:
•     window bars
•     security doors
•     security gates
•     razor wire
•     additional locking devices on doors
•     strengthening of doors
•     peepholes in the doors
•     safety chains to doors
•     intercom system between the home and gate, front door or garage.

Also read: SPCA inspector reflects on 25-year journey

Alarm systems

“An alarm system, preferably connected to an armed response company, can act as an effective deterrent. In the rural environment, a siren/alarm on the roof that can be heard over a long distance and that can be activated by means of a switch/panic button in the house, is recommended. A few switches/panic buttons in different rooms of the house should preferably be installed. An alarm must also have the capability to warn the occupants of any intrusion into the house,” said Naidoo.

Examples of alarm systems:
•     mechanical and/or electrical (purchased types)
•     improvised systems
•     threaded tins
•     threaded pieces of iron
•     gravel on window pains, pathways or around the home
•     obstacles that can make a noise when moved
Biological systems:
•     dogs
•     geese
•     ostriches

Security lights

“Security lights on the outside of the house improve the physical protection of a house, farm or smallholding. The lights must be directed away from the house and must allow the occupants to use the windows without being observed from outside. Be aware of possible shadows and blind spots,” said Naidoo.

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