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High speed car chase leads to serious carnage in Glenwood

Three people have been injured in a serious collision at the corner of Albert Dhlomo and Evans Road after a high speed chase between two cars, one believed to be chasing robbery suspects and the other with the suspects attempting to flee the scene.

A HIGH speed car chase involving robbery suspects, a car in pursuit of the robbery vehicle and an innocent local resident in his car, led to three people being injured and left cars and surrounding property severely damaged.

According to ALS Paramedics spokesperson Garrith Jamieson the collision occurred at the corner of Albert Dhlomo and Evans Road around 08:30 this morning.

“ALS Paramedics arrived to find SAPS at the scene who informed them that this was in fact a crime scene as the one vehicle involved was alleged to have suspects in it, and was being chased for involvement in a crime,” said Jamieson.

Paramedics assessed the scene and found that the driver in the one vehicle was severely entrapped in the wreckage with severe injuries.

The collision occurred at the corner of Albert Dhlomo and Evans Road around 08:30 this morning. Photo: Jason Brown

“Whilst Advanced Life Support Paramedics worked to stabilize him the Durban Fire Department used the Jaws of Life and other hydraulic equipment to cut the man free. The driver and his passenger were treated on scene before being transported to a nearby hospital under police guard. The driver from the second vehicle had sustained moderate injuries and was treated on scene before being transported to a nearby hospital as well,” said the spokesperson.

According to Glenwood resident Jason Brown, who resides on Albert Dhlomo Road, he was the third party involved in the accident when the speeding vehicle that was being pursued by the vehicle chasing it collided into his car. “I was driving my car up the road when the vehicle collided into me. One person flew out of the vehicle and the other passenger was trapped inside the car.”

According to Jason Brown, the driver of the red car, he must now write the car off. Photo: Jason Brown

Brown says he was taken to the hospital for injuries to his neck and head. He also suspects that the suspects were the same people who have been robbing residents of their cellphones in the area over this festive season and the vehicle chasing them was a local security company who caught them in the act. “I would advise residents to be cautious around this time of the year, something bad can happen in the blink of an eye,” said Brown.

The circumstances leading up to this collision and events prior will be investigated by SAPS.

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