Business intruder caught red-handed at Essenwood business

Local security company stops an intruder in his tracks after a quick response to an alarm going off.

AN intruder was caught red-handed this morning when he was found hiding amongst cardboard boxes by Blue Security officers.In a statement, Blue Security said they responded to an alarm going off, in one of the local businesses in Essenwood. They said their armed response officers (ARO) teamed up with guards at the business to thoroughly search the premises.

”Our ARO discovered someone trying to stay hidden under tables, using cardboard for cover. Turned out, this individual had an ambitious but ill-fated plan to break in, in search of cash and goods.

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But the alarm, threw a wrench in his plans. He even tried his luck with an old till, but failed. The business owner soon joined us for an once-over of the premises. It was a relief to find no forced entry and nothing missing. The Berea South African Police Service (SAPS) team showed up to handle things from there, escorting the would-be burglar away for further interrogation,” according to Blue Security.

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The security company further stretched the importance of having security alarms, “This incident is a great reminder of how crucial a good alarm system is and how a quick response can make all the difference in keeping our local businesses safe and sound.”

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