Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Risk factors, the signs and self-examination tips

The Breast Imaging Society of South Africa explains how to examine your own breasts for changes that may be a sign of breast cancer.

THE most prevalent cancer among women in South Africa is breast cancer, affecting 1 in 27 women and 23% of all cancers diagnosed, confirmed by the Breast Imaging Society of South Africa (BISSA).

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This October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, BISSA is placing emphasis on the importance of early detection. They encourage regular self-examinations, even from as early as 20 years old, and annual mammograms starting from the age of 40.

Dr Peter Schoub, chair of BISSA, a sub-specialty group of the Radiological Society of South Africa, says early detection of breast cancer dramatically improves survival rates and reduces the need for aggressive treatment.

“Although most of the major medical schemes offer a yearly complimentary mammogram screening to women over the age of 40, only about 20% take advantage of this service.”

“One of the most significant challenges in South Africa is the late-stage diagnosis of breast cancer when the cancer is advanced, reducing the chances of successful treatment. ”

He attributes late diagnosis to a lack of awareness, limited access to healthcare facilities and socioeconomic inequalities.

Dr Schoub says that although breast cancer becomes more common as one gets older, breast cancer is on the rise among women in their 30s.

Who is at risk of developing breast cancer?

How to self-examine your breasts

The breast changes throughout the menstrual cycle, and it is important to always self-examine at the same time of the month, usually a week after your period when your breasts are less tender due to fluctuations in hormone levels.

Visual examination – Sit or stand, without clothing, in front of a mirror, with your arms to your side, and look for changes in size, shape and symmetry or puckering and dimpling.

Physical examination – Lying down so your breast tissue spreads out makes it easier to feel for abnormalities. Or in the shower, you can use soap to glide more easily over your breasts. Make sure to:
– Use the pads of your three middle fingers, not your fingertips, to examine.
– Apply different pressure levels – light to feel the breast tissue closest to the skin, medium to feel deeper, and firm to feel the tissue closest to the chest and ribs.
– Use a methodical technique, such as beginning near the collarbone, then moving towards the nipples, in a clockwork fashion.
– Allow enough time and don’t rush the examination.

Signs to look out for

It’s important to note that many lumps may turn out to be harmless, but it is essential that all of them are checked.  Visit your healthcare provider if you notice any of these changes:

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