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Clean-up needed at vacant Morningside property

The property alongside Sandile Thusi Road is in a filthy state, and is covered in rubbish and rubble.

A MORNINGSIDE business owner feels the municipality needs to do something to address the state of an allegedly privately owned piece of land in a lane alongside Sandile Thusi (Argyle) Road.

This comes after numerous robberies at the business in Mathews Meyiwa (Stamford Hill) Road, which has been, allegedly, as a result of the premises being watched day and night by the homeless staying on the piece of land behind the property.

The vacant piece of land.

Speaking to Berea Mail, business owner, Abbey Naidoo, said the property has been a nightmare for years.

“There was an abandoned building on the land for years which attracted vagrants and loiterers. The building was demolished last year but there has been no further construction, and the situation has gotten worse. There are people staying on the land, including small children who beg at the traffic lights. There has been an increase in robberies in the area, but the police arrive, take a statement and you hear nothing more,” said Naidoo.

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Stephan Nadasan, one of Naidoo’s employees, took Berea Mail to inspect the property, which was in a filthy state and was covered in rubbish and rubble.

He said there had not only been an increase in break-ins at the property, but that this was a health hazard, and they had noticed an increase in the number of rodents.

“We had four break-ins in 10 days at the business. We had air conditioners stolen off the walls, and we had to brick up a door, as intruders broke through the gate and door into the premises at the end of August, and stole computers with company records on, something we cannot replace,” he said, adding that insurance will no longer cover the company for theft due to the number of claims in such as short space of time.

Stephan Nadasan stands where a door was bricked up at the side of the building.

Not only is crime an issue, but the staff feels unsafe when they approach the back gate, which borders on the land when arriving and leaving the property.

“We have no idea who owns the property, but we tried to contact the municipality at the end of September, but were essentially told this was privately owned and the municipality can’t intervene. We have said it is a health hazard, however, they have said their hands are tied,” he said.

Stephan Nadasan looks up to where air conditioners were stolen off the walls of the business.

Naidoo said he feels the municipality should send its environmental unit out to inspect the property, as this land is a health hazard, a breeding ground for rodents and a hazard for those living and working nearby.

“The municipality is washing its hands of this, which is a serious problem but is quick to enforce if one doesn’t pay rates. We feel they should intervene as this is along a public road and is also an eyesore,” he said.

Despite requests for comment on the matter, no response was received from the municipality at time of going to print.


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