Once upon a time in Durban

Residents recently enjoyed a nostalgic journey through the past with ‘legend of Mitchell Park’ Gordon Michael.

UBUNTU Community Chest hosted senior citizens and other interested residents at a bequest event at St Thomas Anglican Church recently.

Those present at the talk enjoyed a nostalgic journey through the past with ‘legend of Mitchell Park’ Gordon Michael.

Gordon worked at the Blue Zoo Restaurant at Mitchell Park for 46 years and since his retirement has been in high demand for his talks. He joined his father at the Blue Zoo Restaurant in 1971, and is passionate about talking about the history of the park which he saw unfold over the decades.

ALSO READ: Community Chest thanks its donors

His talk, entitled Through the eyes of Admiral “The Great One,” touched on the history of Mitchell Park and its zoo ‘residents’ Nellie the Elephant and Admiral the tortoise, who recently celebrated his 109th birthday at Mitchell Park, as well as other famous visitors, including King George the Sixth, the Queen and princesses Elizabeth and Margaret in 1947, and tennis player Kevin Curren, who Gordon served while working at the Blue Zoo Restaurant.

Gordon continued with part two of his presentation Once Upon a Time in Durban, and spoke about the history of KZN and Durban.

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