Soccer girls bring the World Cup home

Al Falaah College soccer players won the U10 Soccer World Cup.

AL Falaah College hosted the Girls Under 10 Soccer World Cup on 1 September, with the school representing Nigeria and Germany.

Fourteen teams from 11 schools in the KZN region took part in the event. The atmosphere was simply electric as the heroics of the girls inspired everyone on the field to be excited about the 'beautiful game'.

Each team received a kit, meal, cap and medals sponsored by Gem School Wear, Charmers and Spur. The Al Falaah team’s courageous performances led to them taking the World Cup home.

Speaking about the event, Ummesaad Mahomed from Al Falaah said: “Sport inspires self-esteem, commitment and efforts. Al Falaah are proud of the rewarding improvement, progress and respect as well as the amount of fun everyone experienced at this spectacular event.”

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