Hoax Update: Real patient in hospital desperate for surgery

Courtney Faulkner expressed her dismay over the way the story about her boyfriend, Martin Venter seemed to have been copied and become a hoax message about Councillor Martin Meyer.

WHILE confusion surrounds the hoax posting on social media regarding Ward 27 councillor Martin Meyer, alleging that the councillor was in hospital and desperately in need of surgery after being involved in a accident, 23-year-old Berea estate agent and former George Campbell schoolboy, Martin Venter, is living the nightmare.

ALSO READ: Hoax post claims DA councillor in critical condition in hospital

Venter was injured when his motorcycle collided with a vehicle on Umbilo Road near McDonald Road on Sunday morning, 25 March just after 9am. Rescue Care Paramedics reported at the time that he had sustained moderate injures and needed Advanced Life Support intervention and was stabilised before being taken to hospital.

According to Venter’s girlfriend, Courtney Faulkner, Venter has a broken hip and femur in two places,  and a puncture in his stomach. He has stitches in various places and is covered in scabs and bruises.

. Martin Venter was injured in a bike crash.

Faulkner said the crash and injuries suffered by Venter required that he undergo surgery but that the family needed to have him transferred to a private hospital because there were surgery delays at the state hospital. “He desperately needs the surgery as soon as possible, but if the surgery is done at either King Edward or Albert Luthuli Hospitals he will have to wait two weeks or more, and it is important that he undergoes surgery quickly because the longer he has to wait the more serious long term affects he will have,” she said.

However, Venter cannot afford the estimated R50 000 the surgery will cost if he goes to a private hospital.

“His friends and family who have visited him have noticed the drastic change in his personality. He is losing all hope of getting back to work which he is very dedicated to,”  said


An appeal has been made to the community for help in funding the surgery Venter needs. “Any amount will be greatly appreciated,” said Faulkner from her boyfriend’s hospital bed.

Faulkner also expressed her dismay over the way the story about Venter seemed to have been copied and become a hoax message about Councillor Martin Meyer.  “I don’t know how that happened, someone must have read my post and misinterpreted it. No where in the original post is Martin Meyer mentioned, whoever copied it must have changed the name for some reason,” she said.

Anyone able to help can contact Courtney on  074 703 8889 or email  courtney.faulkner98@gmail.com

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