Church hosts clean-up

Church members joined in a clean-up campaign with friends and neighbours recently.

WORLD Mission Society Church of God participated in an environmental Clean-up Campaign in Durban recently.

Twenty-two members, including workers and UKZN Howard College students, took part in a clean-up at the Coronation House building at Natal Settlers Memorial Homes up to Stellawood Cemetery in Hutchinson Road, Umbilo. In two hours they gathered up 300kg of trash.

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Sandra Welton, director of Natal Settlers Memorial Homes, thanked the group and said she hoped they would come again. “We loved having them here again and appreciate the help,” she said.

Church of God members with the rubbish collected in and around Natal Settlers Homes.

During the course of the year, the Church of God has visited several old age homes to spend time with the elderly as well as children’s welfare facilities to share a warm meal and encourage the children. The church has also supported marathons and cycle tours and hosted blood drives.

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