SA Weather Service issues hail warning

The weather service also warned of possible flooding over KZN on Wednesday.

THE South African Weather Service has issued a weather warning for strong winds and possible hail. The service said the storm is currently affecting Richmond and Pietermaritzburg.

“There are current severe storms over interior of KZN with one storm current affecting Richmond and Pietermaritzburg areas causing strong surface damaging winds and large smaller amount of hails. This storm expected to reach eTthekwini Municipality in an hour,” they said.

In a Tweet the service warned of possible flooding over KZN on Wednesday.

The warning comes a day after an unseasonal cold snap that will hit SA from Tuesday to Thursday.

“South Africans can expect a cold snap to affect most parts of the country from the middle of this week onwards. A steep upper-air  trough, having the potential to cut off and further intensify, will result in significantly cooler weather over  most  parts  of  the  country  on  Wednesday into Thursday, with the expectation of snowfalls on some southern mountains,” the service said in a statement.


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