Rusty the Rhino brings fun healthy foods to patients

Bravery certificates, colouring in and playful crockery aimed to cheer young patients.

AN innovative paediatric catering programme has been introduced at Netcare St Augustine’s Hospital.

The ‘Rusty the Rhino’ programme, developed by the Compass Group and Medirest, Netcare’s catering service supplier, is being introduced in all Netcare hospitals with paediatric wards countrywide.

“The programme heralds a new approach to paediatric catering in that the enticing menus not only offer nutritious meals designed to appeal to junior palates while the friendly rhinoceros character is expected to make the hospital experience more pleasant for children,” said Heinrich Venter, general manager of Netcare St Augustine’s Hospital.

He said when children are admitted to hospital they invariably feel anxious about being away from home.

“At Netcare St Augustine’s Hospital we strive to make our paediatric wards a welcoming environment for our young patients. In our experience, children who are unwell and are in the unfamiliar surroundings of a healthcare facility often require a little extra coaxing to encourage them to eat, as maintaining good nutrition is a very important part of their recovery process,” explained Venter.

Celebrity chef Reuben Riffel, who is an ambassador for Medirest, was involved in the launch of this exciting new children’s programme at Netcare hospitals. “I have always been passionate about good food, as it is such an integral part of our daily lives and can enhance almost any experience. Being a father myself, I know that children are often very particular about which foods they are prepared to try,” he said.

“The rhinoceros was chosen for the programme because children in South Africa know and identify with a rhinoceros. At the same time the rhinoceros character also aims to foster an interest in this endangered species and promote conservation consciousness in the young patients,” said Dolf Smook, general manager of Medirest.

Smook said that to add to the excitement of mealtimes, meals will be served by staff members wearing Rusty the Rhino branded aprons and caps. As part of the programme, young patients will receive special Star Award stickers as reward for taking their medicine and eating their meals. Rusty the Rhino colouring in materials and other fun activities are part of the programme to keep children entertained while in hospital. On their discharge, each child will also receive a ‘bravery award’ certificate.

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