
Tips for being safe at malls

Safety at malls and on the way home is vital, says local security company.

SAFETY at shopping centres depends very much on being aware of one’s surroundings and not being distracted, says Fidelity ADT Security’s district manager Ivan Govender, who has issued safety tips for the public when they go shopping as well as when they head home.

“The majority of cases we see are where shoppers are followed home from the malls and hijacked in their driveways. Criminals are aware shoppers have a car full of newly-purchased items and are generally easy, distracted targets. Awareness is your most effective defence so keep an eye out for any suspicious vehicles that may be following you and, if in doubt, drive to your nearest police station or security provider guard house,” said Govender.

Govender said people should remember the general hijacking safety tips such as waiting in the road for the gate to open before driving in, and make sure the gate is closed properly behind your vehicle before getting out.

Regarding staying safe in the malls, he encourages shoppers to carry as little as possible in handbags or pockets and rather leave unnecessary bank or store cards and large amounts of cash at home.

“A packed supermarket is prime hunting-ground for a pick-pocket or bag-snatcher. Never leave a handbag, purse or wallet in a trolley. If you don’t use a bag or do not take one along, keep your wallet or purse in the front pocket of your jacket or trousers,” he said.

Drawing money at an ATM also needs to be done with care. Govender advises if people need to draw money at an ATM, use a machine in a busy area, be aware of anyone standing nearby and don’t accept help from strangers when entering a PIN number. Put your money in your purse or wallet before you walk away from the ATM, and if you think someone has followed you from the machine, walk into the nearest shop or up to a mall security guard.

“Before you exit the mall, have your keys ready so that no time is wasted to get your purchases and yourself into your car. This also means that you’ll be able to hold onto your handbag as you walk. If someone does try to snatch your handbag, let it go. Do not resist or fight back,” he said.

Govender suggests avoiding shopping late at night. “While the idea of a quieter shopping mall may seem appealing, you are more vulnerable in the car parks, mall bathrooms and the likes. If you have no other choice, be vigilant and report any suspicious individuals to the mall security.”

He said another risk for visitors to any shopping centre is remote jamming. “Always park your car in a well-lit, properly secured parking area, ideally with security personnel on duty. When you leave your car, make sure the doors are properly locked. Never just assume that your remote had in fact locked your doors. The extra few seconds it takes to make sure the car is properly locked and secured are worth it,” said Govender.

He said criminals depend on their targets being distracted and it is when people aren’t paying attention that they become easy targets for would-be thieves.

“The best option is therefore to be on the lookout for anyone following you or someone loitering at your car in the parking area. Trust your instincts,” he said.

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