Conservation challenges unpacked at talk

If current rates of transformation of natural habitat are sustained in KwaZulu-Natal, there will be almost no natural habitat left outside protected areas by 2050.

BOTSOC KZN Coastal Branch invites the public to a lunch-time talk at the Durban Botanic Gardens Visitors Centre on Monday, 30 October at 12.45pm for 1pm.

The talk is entitled Conservation Challenges in KZN, Urgent paradigm shift required in conducting conservation business.

If current rates of transformation of natural habitat are sustained in KwaZulu-Natal, there will be almost no natural habitat left outside protected areas by 2050. Should the protected area network not be dramatically increased or effective incentives put in place for both private and communal land owners to conserve biodiversity, species and habitat extinctions will be unavoidable.

In this talk, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife’s principal conservation planner in the Biodiversity Planning Division, Jenny Longmore, will introduce some of the conservation challenges being experienced in KwaZulu-Natal, using case studies. She will stress the urgent need for a paradigm shift in conducting conservation business in KwaZulu-Natal, if we are to succeed in safeguarding critical biodiversity for future generations in a capitalist economy.

Entrance is R30 for members, R40 for visitors, and R20 for students, which includes tea/coffee on arrival.

Pay at the door. Proceeds will go to BotSoc branch funds.

No need to book. Contact email: or 031 201 5111.

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