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Overport clinic up and running

Staff volunteered their time at the weekend to clean up the Overport Clinic.

FOLLOWING a clean-up operation at the weekend, the Overport Clinic is up and running after last week’s storm.

Councillor Chris Pappas commended staff and some of the clinic committee members for volunteering their time to help clean up the facility, which had been flooded on Tuesday.

The parking lot at the Overport Clinic was flooded during Tuesday’s storm.

“The parking lot at the clinic was flooded and cars were floating around the lot! The foyer was flooded, as well as the consultation room, the emergency room and store room at the clinic. I thank the staff who gave up their time on the weekend to clean up the clinic to be ready for work again on Monday,” he said.

ALSO READ: Lack of resources hampers service delivery at clinics

Pappas said the clinic did open last week, although the facility was still dirty. He said a container in the parking lot had shifted out of place and that he had contacted the company to attend to it.

Councillor Chris Pappas shows how a container in the parking lot shifted during the flooding.




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