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It’s all App-ening for DUT

"We are honoured by this recognition and this nomination is a sign for us to create more apps that will add value to the students and the community of DUT."

THE Durban University of Technology Mobile Application (DUT App) has been selected one of the finalists for the 2017 MTN Business App of the Year Awards. The App was launched in May this year, with a series of roadshows that took place on all DUT campuses in Durban and in Pietermaritzburg.

The DUT App offers features that appeal to students, staff, Alumni, prospective students, their parents and members of the community. The App was designed and developed by Wisolve, which included of a group of DUT graduates who started working on the project during their final year of studies in 2016.

Talking about the nomination of the DUT App, Senior Director of Corporate Affairs at DUT Mr Alan Khan said, “We are very excited to be nominated as a finalist in the 2017 MTN Business App of the Year. The DUT App project was a collaboration between the University, our Invotech business incubator and the creative, talented and innovative DUT students and graduates from Wisolve.

“I was presented with a concept in early 2016 and saw the potential of the proposal from Wisolve. DUT Executive Management supported our efforts to work with Wisolve and last year, our team received the green light to start with the project. To now have the DUT App nominated amongst South Africa’s best, fills me with immense pride and appreciation. I want to thank our Communications Department at DUT, my colleagues at Invotech and the talented team at Wisolve for producing the new DUT App and best wishes for the awards.”

The MTN Business App of the Year Awards invited local app developers to submit their apps. The competition is in its sixth year and it is aimed at celebrating local talent, innovators, geniuses – and to encourage and support the growth and development of Apps and South African developers. The DUT App is a finalist in two categories, “Best Incubated Solution” and in the “People’s Choice Award.”

There were over 600 Apps that MTN had to choose from for the finals. Wisolve’s Chief Executive Officer, Terry Mavundla said, “As Wisolve, we are honoured by this recognition and this nomination is a sign for us to create more apps that will add value to the students and the community of DUT.”

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