New lift for old age home

"Concord Trust paid for a large, brand new lift, which looks like something from Sun City!"

THE lives of residents and staff at MOTHWA Haven in Che Guevara Road, Glenwood, have been made much easier, thanks to a generous donation by the Concord Trust.

According to Matron Margaret Taylor, a friend of the home, Beverley Dyer, recently approached the Trust regarding the need for a new lift at MOTHWA Haven.

“We were experiencing great difficulty trying to cope with the one small lift we had at the home. The lift could only fit one wheelchair and it was difficult in situations where we had to get people to hospital. It really was a nightmare,” said Taylor.

She said the assistance from Concord Trust had come at just the right time, as the lift had also started to give trouble.

“Concord Trust paid for a large, brand new lift, which looks like something from Sun City. They are also going to break down the old lift and fit a second smaller lift in its place,” she said.

Matron Taylor said the new lift accommodated two wheelchairs and two caregivers, the food trolleys and laundry trolleys.

She said Lotto had also agreed to provide R30 000 which was allocated for the purchase of a new industrial tumble dryer, however in reality the cost was around R44 000.

“Concord Trust agreed to pay the balance and are also contributing to other kitchen appliances. We feel very blessed!” she said.


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