Support Eskom young scientists

Young scientists gear up for another exciting round of the regional finals of the Eskom Expo.

YOUNG scientists who have mastered scientific investigative methods will showcase their ingenuity, creativity and talent at the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists, at the regional finals on 18 August from 7am to 4pm at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) sports hall.

The judging of the scientific projects will take place followed by the awards ceremony on 19 August from 9am to noon at DUT's Ritson Hall.

With 35 regional science fairs across the country and one international science fair, the Eskom Expo is the largest science fair in SA for school learners. Budding science boffins will present their scientific investigations to judges at these prestigious events.

Successful participants are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals as well as special awards and stand a chance of representing the province at the prestigious International Science Fair (ISF) held at the Birchwood Hotel and Conference Centre in Boksburg from 3 to 6 October, taking them further to international platforms.

A non-profit organisation, the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists, provides a platform for learners from Grades 5 to 12 to increase their awareness and knowledge of the wonders of science and also hopes to broaden their scientific horizons, encouraging them to pursue careers in the sciences by igniting a passion for innovation in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation (STEMI).

Learners are encouraged to go beyond the borders of the school curriculum in their thinking and investigative ideas presenting projects from one of 24 categories ranging from agriculture, energy, engineering, and physics to medical science, social and psychological science and sustainable development.

The public is invited to go along from 1.30pm to 3pm on the 19 August to view the exciting and novel solutions that these young scientists have to offer to solve some of our challenges in the community, locally and globally and engage them in a discussion about the findings.

For more information contact Nalini on 084 616 3273 or

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