Life imprisonment for sex offenders

Sterling work by KZN FCS Units results in 11 terms of life imprisonment for sex offenders.

FAMILY Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) Units in KwaZulu-Natal have managed to secure a number of convictions for crimes against women and children during the month of June.

According to Col Thembeka Mbhele from provincial SAPS, teams of dedicated investigators from the FCS units were in a position to secure 40 convictions during the same period while other cases remain under investigation or are at court. Among those convicted 11 were sentenced to life imprisonment while the others were sentenced to a total of 443 years in prison.

A total of 223 suspects were also arrested during the same month for various crimes such as rape, sexual and common assault, concealment of birth, kidnapping and exposing of genital organs.

KwaZulu-Natal acting provincial commissioner, Maj Gen Bheki Langa praise the members for their hard work and dedication “These sentences are a clear indication that our FCS Units in KwaZulu-Natal are dedicated towards ensuring that they protect our women and children by sending the sexual offenders to jail. Their names will also be listed in the National Register for Sexual Offenders,” he said.

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