News from Umbilo SAPS

Umbilo SAPS made good arrests over the weekend.

Police investigated for theft

A CASE of theft has been opened against officers from the Inanda Tactical Response Team for confiscating goods from a trader at Dalton Men’s Hostel.
According to Capt Pumzile Makaula from Umbilo SAPS, the men took money and items such as cigarettes and sweets that the trader was selling at the hostel on Sunday at around 3pm.
A case was opened at Umbilo SAPS against the policemen.

Business robberies

CAPTAIN Pumzile Makaula is warning businesses to try close as early as possible following five business robberies in Umbilo since Friday, 7 July.
In one incident at Stella Sports Club, a woman was on duty and heard a noise at the entrance.
“She thought it was someone coming to relieve her, but was approached by four men who threatened her with a sharp object. The men took two flat screen TVs and fled the scene in a vehicle,” she said.

Women hold up truck driver

TWO women were arrested for attempted robbery with a knife after holding up a truck driver along South Coast Road on Saturday, 8 July.
Capt Makaula said the man had pulled over along the road to have lunch when he was approached by two women, one armed with a knife and the other with an axe.
“The women demanded his cellphone and money, which he handed over, however police officers patrolling in the area saw the incident and stopped. They told the women to drop the weapons and arrested them,” she said.
A case of robbery with a knife was opened at Umbilo SAPS.

Shoplifter arrested for attempted murder

A MAN was arrested for shoplifting and attempted murder in Davenport on Monday.
According to Capt Makaula, security officers saw the man shoplifting at a shop at Davenport Square and approached him.
“The man ran away and the security officers gave chase. Metro Police officers on duty assisted the security, however he stabbed one of the Metro officers in the stomach,” she said.
The Metro officer was taken to hospital where he is currently in a stable condition.
“The man was arrested and charged with theft by shoplifting and attempted murder.

New VISPOL commander welcomed

A NEWLY appointed visible policing (VISPOL) commander has been appointed at Umbilo SAPS.
Stanley Perumall has been a police officer for 31 years and spent the last 14 years at Montclair SAPS as VISPOL support and acting commander. He has now been appointed as commander of VISPOL by Umbilo station commander, Gerald Mkhize.
“My task is to improve service delivery in terms of crime prevention and the community service centre in the community. I will be working with the business sector and various sectors to reduce crime,” he said.
Perumall said the community is encouraged to update the police on crime issues in the community and neighbourhood watches and forums are invited to give their advice on good practices in the community to help improve policing in the area.

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