City to investigate tender fraud

eThekwini Municipality had the highest number of suppliers with fraudulent documents than other municipalities, the Auditor General's report reveals.

ETHEKWINI City Manager Sipho Nzuza will launch an investigation into the 377 suppliers who submitted fraudulent declarations to win city tenders.

This comes after the Auditor General released a report in which it stated that the suppliers had received tenders from the city after submitting fraudulent tender documents while bidding for contracts. The report also claimed that eThekwini Municipality was the worst transgressor out of all other municipalities and metros. The value of the contracts awarded has not been disclosed.

The contracts were awarded in the 2015/16 financial year and Nzuza said the contracts would be investigated and the suppliers could face blacklisting by the state which would bar them from doing any work with state organs. Where applicable, he said contracts would be cancelled and monies recovered.

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