Sassy toddler is Durban’s latest internet sensation

When it comes to tots with attitude, Durban's Taylor Morrison takes the title, and thousands of social media fans agree.

DURBAN’S latest social media sensation comes in a pint-sized package of sassiness and attitude, making her the envy of any diva worth her salt.

She’s Taylor Morrison, three-going-on-13, with a pair of chocolate brown eyes that twinkle one moment and are all seriousness the next.

She may be the youngest in the family, but there’s little doubt that Taylor rules the roost, putting up with constant teasing from big brother Mickayle (8), who often bears the brunt of her sharp tongue when she’s had enough of his antics.

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Other family members aren’t spared the occasional scolding – Taylor holds nothing back, putting them in place sharply with little fuss.

“You’re always tired, you’re just like this baby,” she grouses at her aunt as she hugs the newborn baby she’s been allowed to hold closer.

The withering look that accompanies this matter-of-fact statement is enough to cause said aunt to gasp in shock.



Her parents, Kim and Jerome are still bemused by the following their toddler has accumulated online.

Thousands of people from across the world follow her on Facebook and YouTube where her mom posts photographs and video clips of Taylor doing what she does best … talking, scolding and discussing all manner of things with three-year-old logic.

“I did a video of her holding my nephew and posted it on facebook, mostly for our family to see. Someone shared the video, and that was the start of it, it went viral and people started asking for more,” explained Kim.

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To appease the growing fan base, Kim’s younger sister set up a facebook page for her feisty little niece which now reaches more than 1.5-million people.

“She’s very independent, cheeky and feisty, she gives me a run for my money,” says Kim laughing, adding that apart from being a real little “yakker” Taylor is into real girly things like make up, clothes and shoes … and shoes … and shoes.”

“She loves shoes, she changes them all the time,” she says with the resignation of a mum who knows it’s best not to argue with a stubborn toddler over something as trivial as shoes that don’t match the dress she’s wearing.

Like most divas, Taylor loves the limelight and you can find her online belting out her favourite song, You Raise Me Up.

Fans cannot get enough of Durban’s cyber sensation, their comments range from “too cute”, “she’s adorable”, to offers to babysit!

“She takes after my mother who is also very feisty and cheeky. Taylor spends a lot of time with her, so I think it rubs off.”

When it comes to dad Jerome, Taylor has him wrapped around her finger.

She’s a real daddy’s girl, and loves nothing more than chatting to him while he is away at work on Face Time.

The strong bond of love between father a daughter is clear to see as she wraps her little arms around his neck and whispers in his ear.

Heaven help dad when she’s a teen!

Technology is also no match for the toddler.

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She handles a smartphone like a seasoned user as she swipes through the apps to find her favourite games.

The familiar digital tune brings a smile to her face and she settles down to play with fierce concentration.

Keeping a straight face while in the firing line of one of Taylor’s arguments is no easy task and Kim says it is hard not to laugh.

The latest video at the time of going to print with this newspaper, is a perfect example of the struggle Kim faces.

The video shows a serious Taylor who has just come out of the naughty corner where mum had sent her.

“Don’t talk to me like that ever again mommy,” she says in all seriousness.

“I’m not naughty, I’m cute!”

Kim can be heard laughing, but this too is cut short when Taylor scolds: “It’s not funny mommy, for real, it’s not funny.

You can find out more about Taylor and her toddler antics on Facebook, just search for Taylor’s “Terrrible/Cute Two’s.



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