Stella Quiz Evening celebrates one year anniversay

The Weekly Quiz Evening at Stella Astro Soccer will celebrate its first birthday with a special quiz event on 7 June.

THE Weekly Quiz Evening at Stella Astro Soccer in Helen Joseph Road reaches a milestone next Wednesday, 7 June, when the first anniversary of this popular community event will be celebrated from 7pm.

To mark the occasion organisers Dave Wright and Hylton Forge have lined up a few surprises, including a smidgen of live music, and anyone wishing to participate is encouraged to book well in advance.

A maximum of six people per team is permitted at the cost of R10 a head. The theme for the evening is “My First Birthday” and participants may dress accordingly with prizes for the best dressed.

As usual, the main focus will be on the quiz itself with a plethora of testing questions designed to create some healthy debate. The club have also come to the party and will be providing prizes, while the jackpot round must be won and will not be rolled over to the following week.

To book contact Dave on 083 353 6925 or Hylton on 082 853 5000 or the club itself on 031 201 7717.



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