
Innovative toilet prototypes to be tested in eThekwini

The innovative toilets that would meet the aspirational needs of the poor, will be tested in communities in eThekwini for the first time.

GROUNDBREAKING toilet technologies that work off the sewer grid and use minimal, recycled or in some instances no water, will be tested in eThekwini.

In a report tabled at the Executive Committee meeting this week it was announced that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has for the past five years funded an international grand challenge which seeks to reinvent toilet technologies,  has selected eThekwini Muniipcality to test these exciting innovations. EThekwini Municipality  will enter a memorandum of agreement with the Foundation to conduct engineering testing of  sanitation technologies to improve sanitation services for the poor. The eThekwini Water and Sanitation Unit will collaborate closely with the Foundation.

The ground-breaking technologies seek to contribute positively to the climate change induced water crisis on a global scale. Over the years a number of prototypes were developed and tested, resulting in the selection of five technologies for further engineering testing in the field.

According to the report, the memorandum of agreement will be beneficial to eThekwini as the innovative toilets that would meet the aspirational needs of the poor, will be tested in communities in eThekwini for the first time. The toilets will significantly reduce water consumption and pressure on the environment. All technology testing funding will be provided by the Foundation.  Thekwini will provide local liaison expertise and access to community sites.

Deputy City Manager of the Trading Services Cluster Philemon Mashoko said the agreement was looking for best solutions in providing sanitation.

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