Honorary doctorate for prominent social entrepreneur

Wendy Luhabe was conferred an honorary doctorate by the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

PROMINENT social entrepreneur, Dr Wendy Luhabe, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Commerce by the University of KwaZulu-Natal for her valuable contribution to the empowerment of women in business.

Addressing the College of Law and Management Studies graduation ceremony on 6 April, Luhabe – who has been awarded three honorary doctorates for her work with women and is the first woman director on the World Rugby Board – encouraged graduates to remember their responsibilities, values and self-knowledge out in the real world.

“I received a degree in commerce in 1991 making me one of the first women to graduate with this qualification. My wish was that there was someone who had already gone through the experience to share what they had learned with me. I hope to rectify this today. The common misconception about success is that it’s easy or that you must have the right connections. Each one of us must be willing to make the investment necessary if we are serious about succeeding,” she said.

As an economic activist, entrepreneur, thought leader and mentor, Luhabe has used her qualifications and vast experience in business as a foundation for pioneering enterprises. She encouraged graduates to not let circumstances hinder their success and to forge their own paths. “My invitation is for you to keep your mind open and when you see the sign “push” to go through the door. As you graduate and begin the next step in your life pay attention to your life choices and the seeds you plant. This province and this country needs your contribution, creativity, leadership and integrity. If you don’t find the circumstances you need, then create them! That is what I did and this is what your qualification will equip you to do,” said Luhabe.

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