Police release photo of abducted hijack baby

Sibongile Mbambo, the mother of the baby taken in a hijacking earlier today has made a desperate appeal to the two men who hijacked her in central Durban to return her child.

THE mother of the one-month-old baby who was abducted in a hijacking in the centre of Durban earlier today, has pleaded with the suspects to return her child.

In an interview with East Coast Radio Newswatch, the woman, Sibongile Mbambo, said she was still with police and had not yet been home since the hijacking. She pleaded for the men to return her child saying it was “very hard.”

Police have released a photograph of the child and urged the public to keep a lookout.

According to police, the Sibongile and her eight year-old old daughter were forced out of their white Toyota Yaris by two armed men who then sped off with the infant inside the car.

The car was later found by police and security officers abandoned in Moodie Crescent, Montclair. The baby was missing as well as the child’s car seat, pram and other baby items.


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