Former Durban student shares the spirit of Ubuntu

The community and businesses are urged to support the Buy a Brick campaign to help a former Durban student build a home for a family in need.

HARNESSING the creativity of his community origins, former Durban University of Technology student Wandile Mthiyane, who is the founder of Ubuntu Design Group and an Andrews University Master’s student, is seeking funds to assist in building the group’s very first home for a family of an unemployed, disabled couple.

Mthiyane, (22), a DUT Town and Regional Planning student, moved to the United States of America in 2012 after being awarded a five-year scholarship to pursue a triple major in Architecture, Town Planning and Civil Engineering at the prestigious Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. He was also awarded just over R40 000 ($5000) from the university, as well as just over R49 000 ($6200) from the American Embassy.

The Durban student joined other young bright minds from all over the world thanks to World Merit 360 in New York, to discuss and brainstorm ways to effect global change in alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This task fitted well with Ubuntu Design Group’s work which aims to effectively develop communities around the world. The project, which is actively seeking to reignite the spirit of Ubuntu (I am because you are), has won several international awards.

Using his architectural skills, talents and his devout Christian principles, Mthiyane saw a need to reach out to the Mtshali family which consists of Mrs and Mr Mtshali, who are both physically challenged, and their 15-year-old son, who has since been taken in by relatives.

Mr Mtshali who, became bedridden after his legs completely failed and his wife live in a small one room shack in Umbumbulu, KwaZulu-Natal. When Mthiyane and his fellow peers from Andrews University visited the family, they were not only concerned about the small, narrow passageways and missing street lights in the community in which the shack is situated, they also saw an opportunity to work with the local residents to best redesign the streets to open up space as well as helping them redesign their homes or shacks. It was then that the group decided to collect and donate funds to build a new home for the Mtshali family.

“The whole idea is about Ubuntu. What better way to put my architectural knowledge to good use than to respond to my social moral obligation which is to give back to the community. Architecture is a frame and people are the bigger picture. If architecture can destroy, surely it can build as well,” said Mthiyane.

The construction of the Mtshali family house is set to start in March. This house will have enough commercial space so that the family can sustain itself.

Although half the amount needed has been donated by Andrews University, the other half is still short. The Buy a Brick campaign, which calls on all businesses, construction companies and individuals around the world to purchase a brick towards this home, is currently active.

For those who are willing to donate, they can either buy building material or email their invoice to Wandile Mthiyane at or visit:

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