Tafta sends out letters of love

The balloons let loose by residents held heartfelt messages of love in honour of their loved ones ahead of Valentine’s Day.

CLOUDS of red dotted Durban’s skyline on Friday following a symbolic balloon release at Tafta’s Langeler Towers.

The balloons let loose by residents held heartfelt messages of love in honour of their loved ones ahead of Valentine’s Day.

The senior citizens, most of whom will not be spending Valentine’s Day with their loved ones, took to writing fond messages of love to those whom they value most. The personal act provided residents with the opportunity to commemorate the love that they cherish.

“Valentine’s Day can be lonely and emotional for many of our residents but we hope that this special gesture has allowed them to celebrate the love that they treasure. For some is it the love for a partner who has passed away and for others the love for children or grandchildren whom they no longer see,” said Tafta CEO Margie Smith.

Residents were overcome with emotion as they attached their notes to the balloons remembering their spouses, families and friends.

For Barry Moodley, writing the note was a tender reminder of past Valentine’s Days shared with his late wife.

“My wife passed away 10 years ago and this activity has given me opportunity to write to her again. Writing this note to her has brought back many special memories for me,” he said.

For another resident, Helen Ngcobo, love had a different meaning. Ncgobo directed her message to society as she felt that the world needs more love.

The balloon release forms part of Tafta’s “Buckets of Love” campaign, which continues throughout the year. The organisation has identified that gestures of love are valued most by their residents.

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