Glenwood burglars nabbed

A brave resident cornered a criminal, and with the assistance of two women who were visiting her, drove him to Umbilo SAPS.

BLUE Security armed response officers, residents and the police arrested two burglars in Glenwood at the weekend.

Blue Security operations manager Brian Jackson said a quick thinking armed response officer made an arrest after responding to an alarm activation at a property in Cohen Road at around 12.20pm on Friday.

“Two suspects had broken into the outbuilding of the property and grabbed a television which they abandoned on the premises as they fled to try and evade arrest. Our officer jumped out of his vehicle and gave chase on foot managing to arrest one of the suspects who ran towards Bulwer Road,” he said.

Jackson said the television was handed back to the resident. Umbilo SAPS attended the scene.

In a separate incident, a resident in Princess Alice Avenue had detected a burglar on her roof at around 5pm on Sunday.

“She bravely managed to corner him with the assistance of two women who were visiting her at the time who then drove him to Umbilo SAPS where he was handed over for police investigation,” he said.

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