Response officers recover hijacked vehicle in Umbilo

The victims were held up at gunpoint by the hijackers.

BLUE Security armed response officers recovered a hijacked vehicle in Umbilo at the weekend. Brian Jackson, operations manager for the security company said a gang of three hijackers held up a motorist and his two passengers in Melbourne Road at gunpoint at around 11pm on Friday.

“The hijackers took the three victims with them in the hijacked vehicle which they drove to a sports field in Hannah Road, before making them get out and lie face down on the ground. The gang robbed them of their cellphones and cash and then got into the vehicle to start it again. The victims seized the moment to flee the scene and ran to Umbilo Road where they flagged down an armed response officer for assistance,” Jackson said.

The officer called for backup and a second armed response officer drove to the scene where he noticed a suspect driving the hijacked vehicle off the sports grounds. The quick-thinking officer managed to block the suspects’ getaway path. Unfortunately, they jumped out of the vehicle and were able to evade arrest,

Jackson said the officers recovered the vehicle and handed it over to the Umbilo SAPS who instructed the victim to drive it to the police station.

In another incident last week, hijackers took a Berea man and his friend on a nightmare drive when they were ambushed outside their driveway gate.

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