Woman sets car on fire in family feud

Durban firefighters battled a fire in a confined space this morning after an unknown woman involved in a domestic family feud, set a VW Polo alight.

A DOMESTIC dispute is believed to be the cause of a fire which broke out in Treves Court, Mcrthur Street Albert Park this morning.

Members of Durban Search and Rescue (SAR) responded to the call and found that an unknown woman involved in a domestic family feud, had set a VW Polo alight where it was parked in a ground floor garage/storage area.

The fire spread rapidly and firefighters battled to douse the fire due to the confined access. SAR members pulled the burning vehicle out onto  roadway using a winch. The fire was quickly extinguished by Durban Fire, preventing the spread to the rest of the building. No injures were reported and damage was  contained to the storage area. An arson docket has been opened, but not arrests have been made yet.

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